1. Areas We Serve

2. Assistance to Families

Family Intake Form & Funding Request

We support families with children up to and including the age of 18 (unfortunately eligibility ends when they turn 19) that are in the Northern Health boundary of the Province of B.C. and the East Kootenay jurisdiction (see map).

All support requests go through a committee for review prior to approval. Amounts that are approved follow the Friends of Children policies and guidelines for support regarding disbursement amounts for accommodations, travel, and food. Special requests for other supports must go through our Board of Directors.

We endeavour to support as many families as we can with the monies raised and we strive to work with other charities and supports for requests that are out of our jurisdiction or scope.

This form is for families who haven't applied for our funding in the past.

If you already have a file with us, please use our request form instead.

Child Information

Family & Caregivers

Contact Info

Travel Info

Accommodation Info

Approved amounts will depend on the number of nights away from home.


Approved amounts will depend on the kilometers traveled.


Approved amounts will depend on the number of nights away from home.

Other Info & Notes

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