1. The Thiel Family

2. Hailey

Family Stories

If you’ve had an experience with Northern BC or East Kootenay Friends of Children, we encourage you to share it with us. Please describe your medical journey and how Friends of Children supported you or continues to support you during this stressful time. By sharing your personal experience on our website you’re not only promoting awareness about our free assistance but also helping us to connect with other families in need. Your submissions are greatly appreciated.

To submit your story, please email: gm@friendsofchildren.ca

Friends For Life

One could say the long trips between Creston and Calgary were nothing compared to the long road to recovery for a little boy fighting cancer, but it’s not exactly true. Those car treks, prolonged stays in hospital, and round after round of treatment added up. There was both time off work and time on the highway to account for. Little Garrett fought hard and made it through. With some help from the Friends Of Children Society, and a lot of community support, Garrett’s family also got through those trying times.

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The Relief of Knowing There is Help

Our medical journey started with the preterm appearance of our 4th child in August of 2020. While we spent almost three weeks in the Lethbridge NICU watching our beautiful baby girl get stronger each day we also were informed that she did not pass her new born hearing test. As our main concern was getting her to eat and breath at the same time and getting her off the oxygen she was on 24/7, it didn't seem like the biggest life threating detail.

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Taking the Financial Stress Away

My family has had incredible support from friends of children and I would love to share our story.

My name is Stephanie, I'd like to share our story and experience with Friends of Children to help others going through a difficult time and also to share awareness of this amazing organization.

In February 2016, my fiance Tyler and I found out we were expecting. After suffering two miscarriages in the past we were very excited to find out we had another chance. Everything seemed to be going well until we went for an ultrasound at about 19 weeks. We found out we were having a girl, but the ultrasound tech seemed to be holding something back.

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Supporting medical trips to Alberta

My daughter Brandi was about a year old when she had her first Urinary Tract Infection. It wasn’t until the UTI’s became more frequent that we went to our family doctor who determined something must be causing them. By the time Brandi was 5 she was having UTI’s regularly. At this point we were referred to a visiting pediatrician who referred us back to our doctor with instructions to refer Brandi to a Pediatric Urologist. Upon discussing this with our Family Doctor and doing a little research, our Doctor referred us to Dr. Kiddoo at the Pediatric Urology Clinic in the Stollery Hospital in Edmonton, AB.

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