1. Honeymoon

2. Family Foundation

Partner Stories

To submit your story, please email: gm@friendsofchildren.ca

Honeymoon Not Over

One of BC’s favourite folk bands has a sweet spot for Friends Of Children.

Wild Honey has made the rural-focused charity one of their special causes. Multiple concerts have been held to raise money for the organization, and all the band members have to do is look at their own children - eight in total - to remind them why.

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Family Foundation Recognizes Friends

When John Ames rallied his family into forming the Ames Foundation, no one envisioned the kind of work their organization would one day accomplish. They certainly did not see any connection to Friends Of Children, which was already operating in the philanthropic scene.

No, the Ames Foundation was started in 2009 specifically to help those on the autism spectrum. But like Friends Of Children themselves, which started with one focus but grew to have a much bigger one, the Ames Foundation evolved to include all children and youth at risk.

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